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Some of the techniques used at Nerang Physiotherapy include:



This incredible technique is unique to Nerang Physiotherapy. You will not find this complete technique anywhere else in Australia, even the world. An Australian first in the treatment of the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) which is responsible for the control of the blood flow rate in the body. This rate of blood flow is the life of the body and if faulty can cause all forms of physical and physiological dysfunction, including stiffness, weakness, pain, and disease.


Myo-flow manipulates the body's own mechanisms of altering blood flow in different areas of the body by ensuring improved function of the SNS. This system is a common denominator in all physical pain and dysfunction (my personal opinion after 20 yrs working with this technique), and if untreated, can lead to recurring pain and injury, slower repair times, and incomplete treatment.


The technique involves assessing and treating with either hot or cold, or both but specifically aimed at the SNS, and the method is unique in modern therapies. Guidelines are given to the patient and treatment can be continued at home and re-assessed at Nerang Physiotherapy when necessary.


This gem of a technique is quick, safe and highly effective and fills the gap in physical treatments that is essential for a full recovery. Occasionally, Myo-flow is used independent of other techniques, but commonly it is used in conjunction with some of the techniques listed below. Results are sometimes simply 'miraculous' and no treatment can be complete without this nervous system functioning optimally.




This fantastic technique is not new but is making a strong push to be one of the most successful types of massage in the western world. It is a form of massage that focuses on the soft tissues of the body rather than the muscles. It results in lengthening and thus restoration of the true range of movement of the soft tissues, which then allow all body parts to move freely and also to allow muscles to be as strong as possible.


Generally in the body we have 3 main structures: Bones, Muscles and Fascia/Connective tissue. As Physiotherapists we are taught to place a lot of emphasis on muscles and bones (joints), however, both these systems are dependent on fascia for their function. It is thus far easier to treat the fascia thus affecting the function of the muscles and joints, than trying to treat muscles or joints to affect the fascia. Fascia is an adaptable tissue and it will shrink when stressed or if its blood supply is jeopardised. What we feel as stiffness is actually fascial shrinkage, nothing to do with muscles. Muscles are generally elastic and very seldom tighten up. Some fascial shrinkage is wrongly diagnosed as muscle spasm, however a muscle spasm is painful and will result in deformity of the body in some way.


Myofascial release has many forms and can be very gentle, but can also be quite firm, depending on the depth of tissue layers the therapist wishes to access. It is mostly comfortable, and highly effective. The greatest thing about fascia is that it is one piece of tissue that covers the entire body right down to the nerves and arteries. So manipulating the fascia in one area will result in changes in the ENTIRE network of soft tissues. This is how the internal organs can be affected by treating the external body tissues.

For fast effective results, Myofascial release massage is the way to go.




Traditionally KINESIOLOGY (pronounced kin-easy-ology) refers to the study of muscles and movement in the body and is widely used in this context by physical educators, coaches, physiotherapists and fitness specialists. Now, through worldwide use for over thirty years, a new meaning has evolved for the word, which is to describe a natural health system used by therapists based on manual muscle testing.

One of the hardest tasks for kinesiologists over the years has been to find an answer to the question, ‘What is kinesiology?’ This is not surprising as kinesiology is very much a ‘hands on’ therapy and it is far more tangible for the person to feel for themselves what a muscle test is, experience the difference when a change happens, learn how their body is responding to the daily stresses and strains, than it is to provide a string of words to impart the same information. Nevertheless, I will offer a few descriptions that may answer the question for you:


Kinesiology is a system, which links traditional (Chinese) Oriental ideas of energy flow found in acupuncture and acupressure with western style muscle testing. The idea is to bring about balance within the body by removing toxins, relieving energy blockages, reducing tension and enhancing the body’s natural healing ability.


The synthesis of techniques involves skills from modern chiropractic, naturopathy, osteopathy and ancient Chinese acupuncture.


Kinesiology literally means the study of body movement, it is an holistic approach to balancing the movement and interactions of a person’s energy systems. Gentle assessment of muscle response monitors [those areas] where blocks and imbalances are impairing physical, emotional or energetic well-being. The same method can identify factors, which may be contributing to such imbalances. The body’s natural healing responses are stimulated by attention to reflex and acupressure points and by use of specific body movements and nutritional support. These can lead to increased physical and mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.


Kinesiology evolved from the innovative and inquiring mind of an American chiropractor, George Goodheart DC. In 1964 Goodheart started to use muscle testing to evaluate the effectiveness of his treatments. He would test a series of muscles before and after a treatment, which gave him valuable feedback on how effective a treatment was for the condition he was treating. This led him to look further into muscle spasm and eventually led him to realising the importance of treating the weak muscles and not the tight ones, as it is because there are weak muscles that we get the opposite group getting tight. This was revolutionary thinking and unfortunately still seems to be when one looks at the techniques used by Physiotherapists and chiropractors, etc.


This practice utilises this technique extensively and the results are far beyond what can be achieved through conventional means. So give it a try, you will be amazed.




A technique that has been around since possibly the caveman days, must be worth something! Yes, scientists believe the small sharp stones with evidence of blood on the tips that have been found in caves around the world was the earliest form of acupuncture. Even now in Africa the tribes' Sangomas (witch-doctors) use sharp blades to 'bleed' an area of pain, and there is a strong correlation between these marks and Acupuncture points. This thinking naturally evolved in other places and became what we now know as Acupuncture, used mainly in the East, but now slowly spreading in the west. More and more research into the effectiveness of Acupuncture is being achieved every day, and how it works is becoming more obvious.


To put it simply, Acupuncture works by causing microscopic injury to the body, and this stimulates the body into a repair process just like any other injury. This makes the body look at the condition as something 'new' to fix, rather than something to accommodate to. With this process in place, the body can begin recovering, assisted by other forms of treatment and reduction in stressors on the body. Acupuncture for muscle/soft tissue problems is more successful (my opinion) when used in conjunction with some form of massage.


Acupuncture is great for chronic pain patterns as it introduces an acute injury again, as if to jolt the body from its 'stuck' pathway of adapting to the condition rather than fixing it. It works just as well with acute injuries and is best used immediately after an injury. There is very little to feel with Acupuncture needles, as they are applied through plastic tubes, which, as the surface area is larger than the needle's, is what the body will sense, and not the pin prick. Once in the skin, there is no more pin prick sensation, just a sense of deep fullness, or a muscle twitch, but very little.


I like to use a combination of east and west (some call this dry needling) versions of Acupuncture, as I focus a lot of my work on soft tissues (fascia), and it is in this tissue that I wish to have my needle point. This helps relax the tissues and makes them ready for the release massage. I have great success with this form of treatment and would recommend you to give it a go, you might be pleasantly surprised.

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