Nerang Physiotherapy
The difference is obvious 07 5596 4711

Nerang Physiotherapy
The difference is obvious
07 5596 4711
Myo-flow - controlling the circulation
Introducing Myo-flow (Myo = muscle, Flow = blood flow), a highly effective treatment approach aimed at improving the rate of blood flow in the body to increase muscle strength and flexibility and reduce pain. This little gem of an approach is now available here and has such dramatic results it has often been called 'miraculous'! Developed by Peter and his father Roy in the mid - 1990's it has been shown to fill a major gap in physical treatment, giving longer-lasting results and restoring foundations that assist the body in attaining a fuller recovery than was ever possible before. The rate of blood flow is essential for ALL function in the human body but undetected it could lead to some serious conditions, pain and dysfunction.
A complete treatment approach
If you have ever experienced any the following:
- Cold hands and/or feet
- Stiffness in the morning
- Fatigue
- Under-perfomance in sport
- Pain at rest or at night
- Recurring injuries
- Slow healing/recovery from injury
- Irritable leg syndrome
- Varicose veins
- Inability to go to sleep (brain can't seem to stop working!)
- Pain in the morning, easing during the day
- Any other physical pain,
then Myo-flow might be just the thing you are looking for.
What is Myo-flow?
For many years, Peter and Roy questioned the true causes of pain and dysfunction, not the pain caused by trauma, but pain that seemingly had no known traumatic cause. Their interest in chronic pain pushed them to try and find what was the common denominator in all forms of non-traumatic pain, stiffness, muscle weakness and thus dysfunction. As successful as their treatment was, there was something missing, and having patients return at later stages with similar symptoms and seeing sports persons re-injuring themselves, they embarked on a mission to uncover the missing foundation that was preventing full and long-term recovery.
And so Myo-flow was born
After much research and studious development it was seen that treating the Autonomic nervous system (ANS) and restoring its function, had a profound effect on the strength of muscles, as well as altering soft tissue flexibility and pain. Poor function of the ANS slows the rate of blood flow around certain areas of the body, thus resulting in stiffness and weakness, which results in dysfunction, poor mechanics and thus compensatory mechanisms causing pain.
It soon became evident that this nervous system was involved in almost ALL forms of pain and dysfunction, no matter the nature or cause of the pain. It was also discovered that restoring this foundation allowed the body the opportunity to begin a repair process from a more solid platform as it supported all the other structures involved in the dysfunction, such as soft tissues and muscles, nerves and joints. It took the recovery to a new level. In some rare cases it was the only form of treatment that was necessary, as on its own it can cause pain purely from the lack of good oxygen delivery to certain areas.
Myo-flow is the application of heat or cold to very specific areas of the back and using Kinesiology as an analysing tool and Myofascial release massage as a further treatment technique (together with other necessary and relevant techniques) it is possible to restore the normal functions of the body, allowing you, the patient, to return to the type of lifestyle you choose. Whether it be sport, business, leisure or just good old fun, you can attain full, pain-free function with Myo-flow.
Amongst some of the amazing results seen with this treatment technique were the following:
- 40 years of pain GONE in just 5 days
- A 10 year old girl, in pain since birth, pain-free in a week
- Ability to walk up stairs pain-free after only a few minutes
- Immediate return of strength in seconds
- Raynaud's disease symptoms eased
- 'Blue' legs (venous congestion) cleared
- Irritable leg syndrome reduced
- Improved sleep patterns
These and many more are evidence of the effectiveness and necessity of Myo-flow, and they continue to prove that without the control of the circulation, recovery is less likely to be complete. Myo-flow is used in conjunction with other physical treatments, but can be used on its own if required.
How is it applied?
Myo-flow is the application of specifically placed cold or heat in areas where the blood flow can be influenced into the nervous system. Unlike orthodox applications, the time of application is minimal and is NOT intended to treat symptoms, but to treat the CAUSE of the condition which has resulted in pain. When nerve cells in the ANS become fatigued, they cannot generate their own blood flow rate, let alone the blood flow to other areas of the body. Myo-flow manipulates existing blood vessels, shunting blood in and out of the nervous system, thus restoring its function and ability to control all blood vessels. The treatment is quick, accurate and highly effective in a very short period of time.
How long does it take?
Like most other treatment techniques, the more chronic the condition, the longer the recovery. Nervous systems generally take longer to recover than other systems, being so specialised, however, if acute, it can recover very quickly. Peter postulates that the nervous system is the first system to become dysfunctional in the whole pain process, and can be involved long before pain is felt. So treating the nervous system will often continue beyond the symptoms being relieved. Treatment is done as often as possible following specific protocol.