Nerang Physiotherapy
The difference is obvious 07 5596 4711

Nerang Physiotherapy
The difference is obvious
07 5596 4711
Heart burn
Many people suffer heart burn or acid reflux and do not understand the mechanisms of this condition. Typically the symptoms are burning in the throat, particularly after a burp and discomfort in the chest. But why would acid and other fluids from the stomach come up into the throat when it is meant to go the other way?
The main reason for this is the valve at the base of the stomach, the Pyloric valve, is not functioning properly. This means it is not opening enough to allow stomach contents through into the small intestine. So to relieve the bloat in the stomach the fluids come up through the Cardiac valve at the top of the stomach into the throat hence causing the symptoms of heart burn.
So the question to ask is why is the Pyloric valve not functioing. This valve like most other valves in the body are controlled by the Sympathetic nervosus system in the back. When the muscles of the valve contract this opens the valve, when the muscles relax, it closes the valve. The problem comes in when the nervous system loses control of the tone of the valve, thus making it difficult to contract the muscles and hence the valve does not open very well. This prevents stomach contents from moving into the small intestine. Once contents build and more gas is produced by the stomach wall the pressure is forced upwards towards the Cardiac valve and out into the throat.
So there are thus 2 issues that need dealing with, one is an increase in gas production and the other is a valve that is not opening. At Nerang Physiotherapy we have a unique treatment for this called Myo-flow. To prevent increased gas formation the part of the nervous syem controlling blood flow to the stomach lining will require treatment to tone up the blood vessels supplying the stomach wall, thus decreasing blood congestio and gas production. Then treatment to the segment of the nervous system controlling the muscles of the Pyloric valve will be required to tone the muscles and improve their ability to open when required and empty the stomach contents.
These can lead to fairly rapid improvement in symptoms, even in days and even in chronic cases and stop the reliance on medications which only ease the symptoms but do not treat the cause. If you suffer this condition why not try our unique treatment and let the results speak for themselves.