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Physiotherapy at Nerang Physiotherapy


One-on-one hands-on Physiotherapy

I have a strong belief that contact with a patient is vital for understanding the patient better, their structure and their soft tissue status. My approach involves the use of muscle testing (Kinesiology and manual testing) and Myofascial release massage, and a hands-on approach is essential to get information from the body you cannot get any other way.

Acupuncture at Nerang Physiotherapy


This wonderful technique has the added bonus of causing microscopic injury thus stimulating a healing process in the body which is then guided by the soft tissue work. Each time Acupuncture is used it says to the body that there is something to fix, and the body then does the work to repair the trauma, no matter how small.

Applied Kinesiology at Nerang Physiotherapy

Applied Kinesiology

This great assessment technique allows the therapist to analyse the body with accurate feedback from the body to indicate areas of dysfunction. The technique works on the body's natural stress response, the first phase of which is the 'alarm phase'. This is when all muscle tone drops for a split second when we first encounter the stress. Touching a part of the body that is dysfunctional will result in an immediate reduction in the tone of the muscle being tested and will give an indication of where corrections are necessary. It is repetitive, accurate, safe and simple.

Exercise Physiology available at Nerang Physiotherapy

Exercise Physiology

Joel Wearn now offers Exercise Physiology from Nerang Physiotherapy. This will cover general exercise and condition-specific exercises. For more information click here.

Pre- and post-op care at Nerang Physiotherapy

Pre-and Post Op 


I am a great believer that if you receive Physiotherapy to restore the mechanical faults that led you to require surgery BEFORE you have the surgery, then your rehabilitation will be a lot shorter. In essence I prefer you to only be recovering from the surgery, and not have to deal with all the mechanical imbalances that were present causing your condition in the first place. I have had great success with this method in the past and recovery is a lot shorter...and guess what, you do not require loads of boring exercises you don't really want to do.

Hands-on Myofascial release massage at Nerang Physiotherapy

Myofascial release 


This is my main technique which I have developed from researching many other forms of soft tissue release techniques which gives excellent results in the treatment of most mechanical conditions.

Nutritional support at Nerang Physiotherapy


We offer excellent advice on nutritional support for your muscles and bones, and how to keep the body healthy.

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