Nerang Physiotherapy
The difference is obvious 07 5596 4711

Nerang Physiotherapy
The difference is obvious
07 5596 4711
Exercise Physiology
Now part of the team we have Joel Wearn, Exercise Physiologist experienced in his chosen field for many years.
What is an Exercise Physiologist?
An exercise physiologist is an Allied Health professional who specialises in the benefits of exercise to help patients get fitter for all around good health, or to treat patients with a medical condition through exercise.
They are much more than an ordinary personal trainer at the gym. Exercise physiologists study at university and have a wide range of knowledge about the human body and the benefit that exercise has on it, both mentally and physically.
Exercise physiologists are knowledgeable about the effects that exercise has on the musculoskeletal system, as well as on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. They can prescribe a course of exercises for either fitness or rehabilitation. Pilates may be recommended, also home based or gym based exercise routines. They can also advise on behavioural modification programs. Exercise physiologists can treat medical conditions such as obesity, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, depression, asthma and cardiovascular diseases, as well as many other conditions.
To book an appointment with either Toby or Joel for any of the above treatments please call now on (07) 5596 4711 or book online with our booking form.
Case studies
- 85 Year old lady with 45 years of pain gone in five days using Myo-flow. Husband said it was the first time in 40 years of marriage he had seen her with pink cheeks.
- 10 year old girl with leg pain since birth, investigations could not find anything, but her pain was eliminated in a week with Myo-flow.
- 24 year old woman suffereing severe pins and needls and pain in her left arm 6 months after having a cervical rib removed, cleared in 3 treatments of Myofascial release massage.
- 42 year old female doctor suffering from what looked like sciatica, with pain to the foot. Straight leg raise was only 5 degrees. After treatment with Myo-flow, Acupuncture and Myofascial release massage she had full straight leg raise and could walk comfortably on her leg. She recovered fully in only 5 sessions.
- 27 year old lady involved in a car accident, hit from behind. Suffered whiplash associated disorder with neck and lower back issues. She received treatment for 3 months and fully recovered.
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33 Ways Rebounding can benefit your health.
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Product line
We are now distributors for the following great supplements. We only stock the best and what we use ourselves.
Bioceuticals: (Top grade health supplements) - to go to the site click here
Modere (used to be Neways): (Toxin-free household products and supplements) - to got to the site click here
If you wish to order any of these products, go to the relevent website and email us your order. You can pay over the phone and collect the products from teh practice when they arrive or when you next visit for an appointment.
Enjoy good health.
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June 13, 2012
June 13, 2012
June 13, 2012
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