Nerang Physiotherapy
The difference is obvious 07 5596 4711

Nerang Physiotherapy
The difference is obvious
07 5596 4711
Nerang Physiotherapy and Peter Mitchell boast over 3 decades of experience offering treatment of pain, sports injuries, lower back pain, TMJ dysfunction, stress, rehabilitation and more. We are the only practice on the Gold Coast restoring strength, flexibility AND BLOOD FLOW RATE! Our treatment modalities are quite unique and we have a full-body approach to ensure we are tackling ALL of your problems. Thinking outside the box allows us to give you some of the most effective and successful treatments available.
Relax in our beach-themed clinic with background healing music
What do we treat?
...and so much more
What makes us unique?
Traditional Physiotherapy uses what is called a Musculoskeletal model which means the focus is on the separate parts of the body (e.g. bones, muscles, nerves, etc.). At Nerang Physiotherapy our work follows what we call a Myofascial model, i.e. we look at the environment in which all these parts exist, namely the Fascial matrix. This is like the 'gel' that holds all our parts together and controls how they work. If the matrix is corrected, the parts will be able to function as normal.
What will you get at Nerang Physiotherapy?
- A very warm greeting from our friendly staff
- An environment which will relax you and remove some of the daily stresses
- A thorough examination of your complaint to analyse the true causes of your pain and dysfunction
- A unique holistic approach to your complaint
- An eclectic array of treatment techniques to ensure successful treatment in most cases hands-on
- Advice on the how, why, when and where of your condition in language you can understand - no fancy medical talk!
- Treatment aimed at restoring your normal function which results in pain-relief almost always including hands-on Myofascial release massage
- Appropriate advice on self-help programmes, exercise, nutrition and general well-being
- A treatment plan to suit your daily schedule
- Great results!!
So no matter what you suffer from, even if you have been told Physiotherapy cannot help, give us a call, you may be pleasantly surprised. With a modern, eclectic treatment approach, many more conditions can be treated at Nerang Physiotherapy than one might think.
Call now on 07 5596 4711 or email nerangphysiotherapy@onthenet.com.au
Keeping it green:
In order to live a healthy life we need to eliminate as many unhealthy chemicals as possible from our systems. Hence at Nerang Physiotherapy we take care in ensuring we do not use any chemicals that can harm the body. Our water is triple purified and osmotically treated to ensure no chemicals such as flouride are present as well as being alkalysed. All hand creams used in treatment are chemical-free removing the possibility of causing skin reactions or worse conditions such as cancer. Sterilising for acupuncture is done using ethanol alcohol which the body can eliminate through normal channels. We hope you appreciate the efforts we are taking to make your life a better one.
Irritable leg syndrome
Foot and heel pain
Hip pain and bursitis
All back pain
Calf tears
Heart burn
Please note, all views and comments in this site are those of the author, Peter Mitchell, and not those of all Physiotherapists. Information is based on experience, research and topped with a lot of common sense and logic. Some of the statements may seem controversial, but the author believes that everyone is entitled to make an informed decision on their own health and this site aims to supply as many options as possible. Good health to you all.

Neck pain & migraine
Shoulder pain & bursitis
Jaw and TMJ pain